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Haddow Internet Network Status History For 2018

16:00 05-Dec-2018 Our accounting software updated, tho we did have a few problems we have the software up and working.
10:00 05-Dec-2018 We are upgrading our accounting software from 12pm today.
09:00 01-Dec-2018 To all our customers that use Avast anti-virus software that we supplied and monitored, we have emailed you back in August about huge changes and some still are not doing what is told of them to do, on the 5th of December you will get a reminder on your computer to replace the software or the anti-virus will just stop working, all you need to do is download another like AVG and once downloaded uninstall the Avast and after a reboot install the new one, but make sure it is only installing the anti-virus program and not extra junk.

00:01 01-Nov-2018 No problems to report this month.

17:00 21-Oct-2018 All website we host with SSL now support TLS 1.3 among the other TLS encryptions we support too, we have also been told that TLS 1.0 will be disabled for safety reasons but all our web sites have a "A" rating by "ssllabs.com" ssl tester.
18:00 19-Oct-2018 All moved and working, it took a bit longer then what we expected but still got it done within the 4 hr we set aside for it.
10:00 10-Oct-2018 We are moving our main domain haddow.net.au on the 19th of Oct 2018 from 15:00, this which will mean some down time for the website but only site on haddow.net.au domains all others will remain up.

06:01 31-Sep-2018 All IPv6 Websites back on line, support emailed me at 2:00am and once I saw the email I checked all sites and see they are indeed back and working on IPv6.
15:00 27-Sep-2018 All IPv4 Websites, Emails and access is back on line, there is problems with IPv6 and we are working on it no ETA.
15:20 27-Sep-2018 Most back online, they finally moved across to the new ssl provider and tho they had tested things it did not go as planed, some how the ssl was not replaced when they switched and so the server went back to fallback and gave errors, most sites fixed and working now some may take some time, if you still see a problem then please call us and we will try and look into your problem.
15:00 27-Sep-2018 All secure Websites, Emails and access is down for all domains, we are looking into why.
20:00 25-Sep-2018 We have been given late notice of changes to all SSL for our hosting, our supplier is switching to another provider on the 26-Sep-2018 due to problems with the old one, what this means is all domains (Including Websites, Emails & Logins) will be switched to this new service, if you see a change of Certificate question its ok to except it and it should be a once off, if you still have problems then please contact us and we will look into it ASAP, we will also be monitoring the changes our end just incase of problems too.

00:01 01-Aug-2018 No problems to report for this month yet.

09:30 01-Jul-2018 Au Whois lookups, it seems like the old Ausregistry is being blocked and no one has changed where it should look at, but also being a Sunday there is no one to call about it, this problem can cause many problems if not fixed soon, these problems can include Email and websites just not working till its fixed and that is for all .au domains no mater where they are.
09:00 01-Jul-2018 Au Whois lookups, the Auda move the authority for all .au domains at midnight and claim all went without a problem, well there is a problem and no one knows how to fix it yet.
01:00 01-Jul-2018 All Whois lookups in Au domains is down.

00:01 01-Jun-2018 No problems to report for this month yet.

00:01 01-May-2018 No problems to report for this month yet.

00:01 01-Apr-2018 No problems to report for this month yet.

00:01 01-Mar-2018 No problems to report for this month yet.

20:00 27-Feb-2018 Main office NBN Update, Talked to our NBN provider and within a min the modem was re-syncing to new speeds, we now have 2x the download and 4 times the upload speeds and has made a big difference for backups and website updates.
10:00 26-Feb-2018 Main office NBN Update, Our office will be upgrading its speed in the coming days, we will post here when its done.
10:30 06-Feb-2018 Main office posable problems, Office still online but noticed a power pole was being replaced outright so time will only tell.
09:00 06-Feb-2018 Main office posable problems, Today with out any notice we noticed that Ausnet services are working on the lines close to the Main Office, looking into it more it is both 22kv & 240V but the worst is it is the supply to the NBN box, what this means is the office internet & phones may go down at some time today, we are monitoring our links just incase.

12:00 26-Jan-2018 Main office email changes update, all fixed and working now, but will monitor things for any problems.
14:00 25-Jan-2018 Main office email changes update, we have a few problems but are fixing them one by one.
10:00 25-Jan-2018 Main office email changes update, we have started the move our emails.
12:00 24-Jan-2018 Main office email changes, We are moving our office emails to a new server again over the next few days, This does not effect our customers emails at all only our office emails.
17:05 10-Jan-2018 Main Office emails update, We have put back the changes for now as there are problems with the new server redirecting the emails to the right spot.
10:00 10-Jan-2018 Main Office Emails, we are in the stage of moving our office emails to a new service, this does not effect our customers emails at all.

All time stated above are in AEST (or AEDST) unless other wise stated. UTC Time Definition, CST Time Definition, AEST Time Definition